Edge protection could remain in substantial demand through until at least 2025 in order to protect individuals installing and maintaining solar panel arrays.
That is because the price of solar panels has been predicted to continue falling until at least that point, leading to substantial growth in the total installed area of panels worldwide.
The non-profit energy research agency Near Zero surveyed experts throughout the solar power industry in preparing its report.
And the only major obstacle identified was the need for continued innovation if solar panels are to continue on their downward pricing trajectory.
With that in mind, the experts predicted a tenfold increase in installed panels between 2010 and 2020, with a continuing growth rate at the same pace until five years later.
Edge protection continues to be an important element in any solar array, where access to the roof is likely to be necessary for future essential maintenance work.
Simply installing safety ladders and guard rails can mean no temporary scaffolding is needed in future – making maintenance work faster, easier, and potentially much cheaper too.